Tuesday, January 31, 2012


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DSC_0746DSC_0617On Whitney: DIY thrifted kimono, DIY studded f21 button-up, h&m skirt, thrifted flats
On Mallory: Thrifted sequin top, Thrifted Cords (UO brand), thrifted Coach Satchel, 2020ave cuff, Whitney's shoes

One of the benefits of being roomies is sharing.  Sharing our kimono, sharing shoes.

Friday, January 27, 2012

DIY crochet shorts tutorial

DSC_0363DSC_0354DSC_0391 DSC_0465 On Mallory: j. crew sweater, DIY collar, marc jacobs watch, payless shoe source shoes
On Whitney: thrifted blazer, asos wedges, vintage d&b purse, 2020ave starfish cuff

So we have gotten a few questions about how to make the shorts Mallory DIYed and wore here and here, so we decided to make a video!  It is a lot easier than you think, and if you think like us, they go with everything.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

DIY Collars

On Mallory: f21 shirt, kookai blazer, new look shorts, hue tights, UO sandals, vintage d&b purse
On Whitney: sweater c/o 2020ave, snakeskin print dress (taiwan), sandals, UO sandals, coach bag

As we promised, we finally made a video!   It's our first time filming and editing a video, so please excuse the goofy faces :).

Friday, January 6, 2012

the hills

On Whitney: zara sweater, f21 long-sleeve, crochet shorts (from china), starfish cuff c/o 2020ave
On Mallory: zara cords, h&m denim shirt, ann taylor necklace

If The Hills had been a show about Mallory's hometown, it would have been way different and with more cows.

Whitney visited Mallory this week, so we have been thrifting and crafting and eating popcorn.  All very productive! Look forward to some upcoming tutorials :) And we hope everyone had a lovely holiday.  Happy New Year!  One of our top new years resolutions is to update whitwatwear more often!  What are your new years resolutions?